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Short NameFantasy Flight Games
NameFantasy Flight Games
Asmodee North America, Inc
Postal Address1995 County Road B2 West
Roseville,MN MN 55113
United States
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Phone+1 651 639 1905
FAX+1 651-639-1764
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Type of CompanyManufacturer, Licensees
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Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) is a leading publisher of hobby, board and card games, including the trademarked Living Card Games®. Founded in 1995, FFG has built a reputation for its epic concepts, immersive gameplay, and superior game components. Many of FFG's most popular titles are based on popular licenses such as Star Wars™, Marvel, J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. In addition, FFG has its own iconic universes such as Arkham Horror Files, Terrinoth Legends and Twilight Imperium. Over the course of the company's extensive history, FFG has published games in over thirty languages and distributed them in more than fifty countries. Fantasy Flight Games is a subsidiary of the Paris-based Asmodee Group, a leading global publisher of board games. Translated with (free version)