CRAZE GmbH was established in Karlsruhe in 2012 and since then has become one of the fastest growing companies in the toy and bath cosmetics industry in German-speaking countries. It develops, produces and distributes innovative and high-quality trend toys and articles for children and young people as well as games for adults under the Pasmo Toys brand. Since 2017, CRAZE GmbH has been developing vegan and gluten-free bath cosmetics that are also free of microplastics, parabens, paraffins and SLS.
The CRAZE portfolio now includes more than 150 products, both independently established brands and licensed articles. The most popular current in-house developments include brands such as Magic Dough, Magic Slime, Loops, the bathing fun brand Inkee and the successful horse figure brand Galupy. In the domain of licensed items, CRAZE is active with the licensed series Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig and Bibi&Tina, among others.
CRAZE ensures that all steps from the concept to production are in one hand and thus guarantees the highest safety standards, which go far beyond the minimum legal requirements.