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Short NameAEG
NameAlderac Entertainment Group
Postal Address2505 Anthem Village Drive Suite E521
Henderson,NV NV 89052
United States
Street Addresssee above
Phone+1 909-390 5444
FAX+1 909-390 5446
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Type of CompanyManufacturer
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Alderac was founded over twenty years ago to publish Shadis magazine. In the mid-1990s, AEG developed the Legend of the Five Rings. Between 1995 and 2005, AEG created an amazing universe of worlds, including 7th Sea, Warlord, and Spycraft.

In recent years, AEG has focused on the development of board, card and dice games. This has resulted in big hits like Smash Up and Love Letter, and more recently innovative games like Mystic Vale, Valley of the Kings, Automobiles, Istanbul, Thunderstone and Dice City.