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Short NamePlaid Hat Games
NamePlaid Hat Games
Postal Address1172 SR-96
Ashland,OH OH 44805
United States
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Type of CompanyManufacturer
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Plaid Hat Games is the board game studio behind Dead of Winter, Mice and Mystics, Summoner Wars, and other beloved tabletop franchises. Led by founder Colby Dauch, we are committed to producing games that captivate players' imaginations and deliver over-the-top fun.

Plaid Hat Games' designers build award-winning stories and game systems that pull you in and drive you to play your best. Our designers are supported by an incredible team of artistic talent, making our games look and feel like true adventures. Our hope is that whenever you sit down to play our games, you'll have a brand new experience of drama and excitement that you'll remember for years to come.

At Plaid Hat Games, we believe tabletop games are a powerful tool for cultivating community, and we seek to unite our own fan community through conventions around the world, the Plaid Hat Podcast,, and more. Play with us and join us in our quest for the ultimate tabletop experience!