TV Series to the Classic Picture Books by Markus Osterwalder
For mothers and fathers “BOBO SIEBENSCHLÄFER” has long become an integral part of their bedtime book repertoire. The read-aloud stories make little children’s eyes shine with joy: BOBO – BOBOOO – BOBOOOO.
From opening his eyes in the morning until he falls asleep in the evening, two-year-old Bobo discovers everyday life. He goes shopping with his mother or on a day trip to his grandma. Bobo has to see the doctor. Walking to nursery school as well as taking a first ride on his trainer bike is quite an experience for Bobo – and for all other little children. However, loveable Baby Bobo is a bit cleverer than other children and physically fitter than you might think. Relying on the security of his home the little explorer bravely sets off to discover the world – and does loads of mischief on the way.