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Property Description
NameAngela Anaconda
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginCanadian Animated Series on Super RTL
Target GroupKids aged between 7 and 14
(all editorial content "Angela Anaconda")
© 2000 Decode Entertainment Inc.
Angela Anaconda TM is a registered trade mark of HONEST ART, INC.
All rights reserved.

The freckled eight-year old Angela not only has an extraordinary surname, she herself is extraordinarily cheeky, inventive and self-confident. Together with her mother, a sculptor, her father, an unsuccessful inventor, her nerving twin brothers Marc and Derek, Baby Lulu and the family dog King she lives in the little US town Tapwater Springs. Angela and her gang of losers – the spectacled podgy Gina Lash, the permanent allergic Gordy Lash and the somewhat simple Johnny Abatti, son of the best pizza baker in Tapwater Springs – keep the little town boiling.

The series features every-day problems of eight-year-olds, i.e. friends and foes, nerving brothers, school and the most important question on where to get the best pizza.

In this unusual Canadian animated series characters are presented as collages in complex "cut and paste" style.
In Germany the successful show airs daily on Super RTL and charms many young kids, mostly girls.