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Property Description
NameMaya the Bee
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginChildren's Book and TV Series
Target GroupKids aged 2 - 6
(all editorial content "Maya the Bee")
Nach den Geschichten von Waldemar Bonsels „Die Biene Maja"
© Studio 100 Animation ™ Studio 100

Maya is a little bee like no other bee you’ll ever see! A real non-conformist, her thirst for adventure has led her out of her hive and into the meadow beyond. She’s as free as a... bee can be! The world is just too big and too fascinating to tie Maya down to the mundane and orderly life of the hive. For Maya, the natural beauty of the world outside is an endless delight for the senses! Her bravery, wits and insatiable curiosity lead her to discover all the joys and unexpected adventures of life off the beaten path. Together with her best friends Flip and Willy, she explores a wonderful, colorful world, one full of magic and exciting encounters.