The famous “Tintin and Snowy” comics (Tim und Struppi in Germany) by Belgian artist Georges Remi alias Hergé (1907-1983) are one of the most successful comic series ever – with more than 165 million books sold worldwide.
Originally devised 1924 as “Totor” for a scouts’ magazine, the stories have been published in “Le Petit Vingtiéme” from 1929, the children’s insert of a conservative newspaper. A year later, Casterman publishing house started to release proper comic books. Due to WW II and the following paper rationing, the coloured adventures of the always young reporter Tintin have become less voluminous, but nevertheless enjoyed increasing popularity.
With his loyal fox terrier Snowy Tintin travels around the world and once even visits the moon. Later he meets several other famous characters – the swearing and drinking Captain Haddock, the gawky detectives Thomson and Thompson and Professor Cuthbert Calculus, who’s a bit hard of hearing. 1950 marked the foundation of the Studio Hergé which is responsible for the marketing of Tintin books, films and merchandising articles.
It was Hergé’s last will and testament that no other cartoonist should continue the “Tintin and Snowy” series after his death.