The original comic series “Crayon Shinchan” by Yoshito Usui made its debut in 1996 as part of the Japanese manga magazine “Weekly Manga Action”. The animated Shin Chan has been one of the most popular anime series in Japan for more than six years by now.The German television version “Shin Chan” airs equally successful on RTL 2.
The story inspires with its very special weird jokes and anarchistic humour – and that’s not half bad! Each episode (25 min) is comprised of several segment telling stories of the life of snotty five-year-old Shin Chan and his friends.
Sinister Shin Chan Nohara tyrannizes his environment with his more than weird ideas. He does not respect anyone or anything. Although he seems to know all the facts of live, Shin Chan is still a child struggling with emotions and problems like any other of his age. At least at these moments, everyone is taken with this cheeky brat.