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Property Description
NameThe Rusty Knight
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginCinema Film and TV series
Target Group100% Family Entertainment
Merchandising: Kids aged between 3 - 9
(all editorial content "The Rusty Knight")

Adventures in Crapland
The Rusty Knight deems himself the bravest, most gallant and best knight Crapland has ever had. But he is terribly wrong. The truth is the Rusty Knight is a loveable showoff, who cockily volunteers for any adventure, no matter how dangerous it might be. If it wasn’t for brave Damsel Bö and friendly dragon Koks, the Rusty Knight would be done for it. But in the end, he somehow always manages to come off as the hero…
The Rusty Knigh is a strong property with humour, catchy tunes and an unmistakable look: exciting action comedy for the whole family. To date, the German media scene doesn’t have a name and face for THE loveable knight character. In 2012, the Rusty Knight has the potential to become an emotional leader in the world of knights!

Advantages at a glance:

  • More than 1.2 million products sold.
  • One of Germany’s most successful children’s brands with an awareness level of 70% among 6 to 12-year-olds.
  • Germany’s most successful children’s musical: over 700 stage plays each year with an audience of more than half a million.
  • More than 300,000 audio plays sold in Germany within the last two years (60% within the last 12 months).
  • Girls, boys, and parents alike love the brand.
  • The concept is centred around recycling and sustainability.
  • Potential for long-term marketing due to timelessness and an independent, self-contained world.