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Property Description
NameMegaman NT Warrior
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginVideo Game
Target GroupKids aged between 6 and 14
(all editorial content "Megaman NT Warrior")
Copyright 2004 ShoPro Entertainment. All rights reserved.

The stories around Megaman NT Warrior are based upon the extremely successful CAPCOM MegaMan video games and the leading Shogakukan line of comic books “Coro Coro”.

During the Cyber Revolution in the year 200X any technology is linked to a central computer system. The citizen of DenTech City own portable terminals (PETs) containing a virtual character, the “NetNavi” (Network Navigator) who lives in virtual reality. Any NetNavi shows the same features and traits as his owner. In addition, it controlles extended technological powers. The thrilling adventures deal with the battle of NetNavis and their owners against evil saboteurs on the net.