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OriginChildren's Song by Rosita Blissenbach and Iris Gruttmann
Target GroupAll
(all editorial content "Schnappi")

Schnappi was born a children’s song. Iris Gruttmann, who has already arranged several compositions for the "Sendung mit der Maus", created Schnappi for her nine-year-old niece Joy. Rosita Blissenbach has written the texts.

Schnappi sold about 1400,000 copies of the single worldwide. The album “Schnappi und seine Freunde“ (Schnappi and his friends) was sold more than 420 000 times.

Schnappi is a little green crocodile with big curious-looking eyes. Every morning he jumps out of his egg to discover his world. Schnappi is never seen without his bib and his companion, a fly.
Special feature: His multi-functional ringlet which helps him to unlock secret doors or saw wood. When danger is at hand, the ringlet vibrates to warn Schnappi.

Schnappi is quite cute, but really perky. He is extremely curious, bold and loves challenges.