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Property Description
NameDragon Hunters
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginTV Series
Target GroupKids aged between 8 and 12
(all editorial content "Dragon Hunters")
“Dragon Hunters” © MMIV Futurikon – France 3

Outer space, many centuries in the far future: A disaster has thrown mankind back into the Middle Ages and shattered the Earth into floating land masses. People are threatened by a menace of monsters known as dragons. A superior race – were it not for the Dragon Hunters.

Sounds eerie, but it isn’t. In addition to thrilling suspense the high-quality animation show relies on hilarious situations. We follow the adventures of Gwizdo and Lian Chu, two extraordinary dragon hunters that fly from asteroid to asteroid in their airship and let the dragons have it. Wherever Gwizdo and Lian Chu turn up, children aged between eight and twelve are at their feet.

Gwizdo is the negotiator who talks more than he breathes – and dragons scare him to death. Fortunately, his partner always takes on the dangerous part of their job. Lian Chu is considered to be the best: A sword wielding muscle-bound warrior who loves sayings, children and knitting. But although different in character and nature, the two of them always stick together – and that’s essential for their job. Their loyal companion is Hector, who looks like a dog, but is – a dragon!

By the way, the English cult band “The Cure” performed the theme song for “The Dragon Hunters”. The series enjoys worldwide success; there is hardly any country in Europe whose children are not taken by Dragon Hunters-Die Drachenjäger.