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Property Description
NamePirates of the Caribbean
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginCinema Film
Target GroupBoys aged between 6-11 and 4-6 Jahre, Teens and young adults
(all editorial content "Pirates of the Caribbean")
© Disney


”Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl": Blacksmith Will Turner and the whacky pirate captain Jack Sparrow together follow Sparrow’s renegate crew to rescue the kidnapped Governor’s daughter Elizabeth Swan.

"Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man’s Chest": To avoid execution, Will and Elizabeth agree to hunt Jack Sparrow and hand his magical compass over to the East India Trading Company.

"Pirates of the Caribbean – At World’s End”: To escape from looming extinction, Sparrow and Captain Barbossa try to forge an alliance of all remaining pirate leaders.

Johnny Depp has already signed for a forth instalment as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Success story
The Curse of the Black Pearl was first released on 02 September 2003 to German theatres. The movie achieved 654 million US $ in global box office sales. The sequel was launched to the German market on 27 July 2006 and became third most successful film with more than 1 billion US $ in global box office results.The third instalment came to Germany on 24 May 2007 and ranks sixth best with 961 million US $ in box-office takings.

September 2008 Pirates of the Caribbean – Blu-ray Trilogy

Soundtracks to all films (CD), released by EMI

Online multi player game (2008) at

Novels to all movies (Egmont)
Essential Guide (Egmont)

Disney Interactive Studios:
Video games for Wii & Nintendo DS