Star of the series is Rudi, the cheeky young raven who loves adventures.
Each of the 26 x 11-minutes episodes starts with Rudi flying about and looking for new mischief to do. He discovers shiny, glittering things, finds unusual places and makes new friends. Nobody knows where Rudi will touch down next time.
Rudi sees a lot on his adventures: underwater cities, crystal sceneries, magical forests and spooky villages. – Rudi Raven goes wherever his curious beak points. And whatever he gets up to, Rudi always finds his way without shedding too many feathers.
Rudi is the star of the new series. Trudi the cat is his best friend and accompanies Rudi wherever he goes. Key elements of the stories are: adventures, imagination, humour, and friendship.
Rudi is a character every little child readily identifies with – he does what they themselves would love to do: He sets off to new adventures, makes funny new friends – and he does not have to be at home for bedtime!
Rudi learns to ask for help, to respect the feelings of others, to apologize and to cope with fear and sadness. But there always is a Happy Ending for Rudi.
- What Rudi and Trudi at first believe to be a cave, turns out to be the ear of a giant. When Rudi accidentally releases nightmares from a locked vault in the giant’s head the giant suddenly feels bad – and our heroes are in serious trouble. Of course, they have to recapture the nightmares as soon as possible.
- A fairy grants Rudi a wish and the little raven demands to turn everything he touches into cheese. After all, cheese is his favourite dish! But then he touches Trudi, and a kitten melting in the sun is definitely not what Rudi had wanted. He desperately needs to undo his wish. But will he find the fairy in time?
- Rudi and Trudi touch down in the Land of Knights and in the twinkling of an eye they appoint Rudi their king. But it’s the King’s duty to lead this bunch of chicken-hearted knights into the dark forest. Somewhere in the forest a magical gem lays hidden and guarded by a mighty dragon. Just the right task for a king called Rudi!
- In a world full of robots almost all energy resources seem to be exhausted. But Rudi and Trudi soon discover the truth. They find out that Robot Atomik nicked all the energy to make the other robots his servants. High time Rudi and Trudi get involved and shuffle things up!
Lead characters
Rudi is unable to sit still – he is tirelessly searching for exciting adventures and new experiences. He is brave and clumsy at the same time, innocent and inquisitive, cheeky and cuddly. Rudi loves stinky cheese and everything that glitters. He always tries to take centre stage, never loses his sense of humour and goes to any length for his friends. Rudi is a real good sport.
Trudi loves adventures just as much as Rudi. But she acts with greater care and caution. Trudi has the mysterious ability to appear suddenly and unexpectedly on Rudi’s side. Maybe because she has once been a witch’s pet?! Trudi is always in perfect shape and sometimes behaves like a little princess. Trudi is an indispensable friend – always there to help with words and deeds.