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Property Description
NameWOW – The Discovery-Zone
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginTV Series
Target GroupKids aged between 6 and 13
(all editorial content "WOW – The Discovery-Zone")

What tells a perforated beverage tin about hydropower? And … what have a balloon and a string to do with a space rocket?

Answers to these and other questions provides WOW - Die Entdeckerzone (original title: Backyard Science), the experimental show that amazes children and adults alike. The show proves that science can be real fun!

Science made easy. WOW – Die Entdeckerzone imparts valuable knowledge in an exciting and lively manner. Children learn to be inquisitive and discover the world on their own initiative.

Main characters of WOW - Die Entdeckerzone are children! Junior scientists aged eight to twelve easily make great discoveries. Child-appropriate graphics and additional illustrations explain what’s behind the phenomena. And the congenial presenters Nina and Florian use easy language to tell about interesting things. Science has never been more entertaining, more inspiring and more evident!