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Property Description
NameWissen macht Ah!
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginScience Show
Target GroupKids aged between 6 and 10
(all editorial content "Wissen macht Ah!")

“Wissen macht Ah!” – The Show for Smart Alecs
Devastatingly handsome and full of verve Ralph and Shary present a science magazine of a different kind. Doing so, they shy away from nothing: They put on additional 80 kilos, wear dirndl dresses, bring about an Aerobic revival, and casually explain the world from pi to pee. Whatever the question - Shary and Ralph present the answer: accurate, significant and always with that certain moment of “Ah!”.

”Wissen macht Ah!” – provides existing and future smarty pants with extraordinary and odd knowledge that makes know-it-alls go green with envy.

Key target group: children aged 6 to 10


  • Airing since April 2001
  • More than 100 broadcasts on Das Erste and KiKA in 2013
  • Saturdays at 8:05 am on Das Erste
  • Mondays to Thursdays at 7:25 pm on KiKA
  • Weekly re-runs on the ARD television network
  • Market share of 30% among 3- to 13-year-olds (source: AGF/GfK Television Research)
”Mini-Ah!” – The small dose of “Wissen macht Ah!”: 3-minutes format, that shows Ralph and Shary answering questions outside their studio. To date, more than 60 episodes, airing between-shows on KiKA.

The website provides details on the show and its contributors as well as additional tips and information to “Wissen macht Ah!” – Things to play, to download, and to try out.

  • Rights owner: WDR mediagroup GmbH
  • Licensing for all product categories
  • Territories: worldwide
  • Marketing support for licensing partners from dedicated online shop ( and the Maus&Co. Shop in Cologne
Discuss your marketing ideas and licensing opportunities with us!
WDR mediagroup GmbH, Programmverwertung, Ludwigstraße 11, 50667 Köln, Tel.: +49(0)221 2035-2500,,