Those who watch “pur+” are able to have a voice in current discussions, as those who watch “pur+” know more about what’s going on: ”pur+” covers topics of children’s interest and concern: family and friends, leisure time activities and school, sports, music, film and TV, stars and starlets, tips and trends.
For 25 minutes each show concentrates on a hot children’s topic. Reportages/docus, coverage, service, tests and comedy revolve around the same topic and offer different views and varying perspectives on facts.
”pur+" not only targets curious and inquisitive children aged eight to twelve. "pur+" does not only provide information and news to wonder and sympathise - it is also entertainment and fun.
"pur+" is much more than just imparting know-how and the wow-factor. "pur+" provides new insights which make children wonder and sympathise – it’s an unparalleled combination of knowledge and experience. Learning without fun is a stiff piece of work – that’s why "pur+" integrates witty moments and funny cartoons – but for all the profundity of the topics.
“With shows like ‘pur – das Entdeckermagazin’ the ZDF receives best marks for a perfect balance between entertainment and education”
(Source: Bild und Funk, 04/2007)