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Property Description
NameBang on the Door
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginClassic Art
Target Group5 to 50-year-olds; thanks to different characters perfect for all age groups

Bang on the door is a design brand founded in 1988 by the designers Karen Duncan and Samantha Stringle. For over 30 years they have been offering designs for many product groups, from t-shirts to bed covers to car seats and bicycles, they cover almost all of them. Bang on the door is best known for the "Groovy chick" character, but also their sub-brands with characters like "Fairy Girl", "Classic Animals" or "Football Crazy". All characters of bang on the door have their own personality. Bang on the door is a company that works with agents and licenses worldwide, develops custom designs for customers, but also has won many awards.