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Origin156 episodes of 13 minutes TV-Series based on the comics by Derib + Job
Target Group3 to 8 years old boys & girls and their parents
(all editorial content "Yakari")

Yakari is a nine year"s old Sioux boy. He is courageous and free as a bird. He lives in the Great Plains with his best friends Rainbow, Buffalo Seed and his horse Little Thunder. Like all his tribe, Yakari has a protective totem called Big Eagle who gave him the magical gift, to understand and communicate with all animals.
The TV-Series is an adaptation of the bestselling comic book series created by Derib and Job. Yakari introduces to the children the importance of preserving the nature and our ecological system in a fun way.

  • Airing on KiKA, ARD, and ORF at prime time since March 2008 with record breaking 1,5 million viewers and a market share of 78%
  • The first Yakari musical has sold more than 300.000 tickets
  • Since March 2018, there is a very successful live horse show, which is touring in Germany
  • More than 3.5 million DVDs and CDs as well as 3 Million copies of books are sold in German language
  • A highly successful publishing and licensing programme is already in place
  • The Yakari movie is produced and hited the big screen on 22nd October 2020 in Germany