Gogo´s Crazy Bones: Collectible toys with rising sales figures in Germany - Each series of Gogos is comprised of 80 collectible characters.
- To date, four series are available in UK and Spain
- Series Three was launched to the German market in January 2010
- Series Two was release to other territories in September 2009.
- Besides swapping Gogos to complete their collection, children love to play one of the countless games based upon the individual skills and powers of each figure.
- Each Gogo comes with their own name, personality, and favourite game based upon their individual skills and powers, reflected in the character’s design.
- More than 13 million figures have been sold in Germany and Austria.
- Strong presence in kiosks and toy stores. Gogos already are number one collectible toys in specialized stores.
- Promotion campaigns in 2010: TV spots
- A TV series for the German market is already in the pipeline!