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Property Description
NameBenjamin the Elephant
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginAudio Play Series by Elfie Donelly
Target GroupKids aged between 3 - 6
(all editorial content "Benjamin the Elephant")
©2019 KIDDINX Studios GmbH Berlin
Lizenz durch KIDDINX Media GmbH

1977 marks the beginning of Benjamin Blümchen’s success story and the year of his debut as world’s first Weather Elephant. Since then, the talking pachyderm has made a remarkable career, - and today his famous "Toorooo" can be heard in nearly every child room throughout Germany!


Benjamin Blümchen ...

  • is a talking elephant and children’s best friend.
The stories ...
  • are modern fairy tales for modern children.
  • are entertaining, exciting and non-violent.
  • encourage values like friendship, team spirit & cooperativeness.
The Benjamin Blümchen brand...
  • celebrates their 35th anniversary in 2012.
  • has a 98% level of awareness within the target group (source: icon kids & youth 2010, aided recall).
  • is a constant long-seller in all children entertainment charts.
  • is on their second tour of German-speaking territories with their hit musical show.
  • won multiple awards! – including the Giga-Maus 2009 for the NDS game “Ein Tag im Zoo”.
Benjamin Blümchen – on TV since 1989:
Since 2002: 52 TV episodes x 26 minutes on SuperRTL, Disney Channel, and Playhouse Disney.

KIDDINX Media is happy to provide up to date information about existing licensees on request.

Contact KIDDINX Media:
Thomas Puchert
Phone: 0049 30 68 972 329
mobile: 0049 172 44 37 477