1977 marks the beginning of Benjamin Blümchen’s success story and the year of his debut as world’s first Weather Elephant. Since then, the talking pachyderm has made a remarkable career, - and today his famous "Toorooo" can be heard in nearly every child room throughout Germany!
Benjamin Blümchen ...
- is a talking elephant and children’s best friend.
The stories ...- are modern fairy tales for modern children.
- are entertaining, exciting and non-violent.
- encourage values like friendship, team spirit & cooperativeness.
The Benjamin Blümchen brand...- celebrates their 35th anniversary in 2012.
- has a 98% level of awareness within the target group (source: icon kids & youth 2010, aided recall).
- is a constant long-seller in all children entertainment charts.
- is on their second tour of German-speaking territories with their hit musical show.
- won multiple awards! – including the Giga-Maus 2009 for the NDS game “Ein Tag im Zoo”.
Benjamin Blümchen – on TV since 1989:Since 2002: 52 TV episodes x 26 minutes on SuperRTL, Disney Channel, and Playhouse Disney.
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Contact KIDDINX Media:
Thomas Puchert
Phone: 0049 30 68 972 329
mobile: 0049 172 44 37 477