Now the Old Witch Surulunda (Pilar Bardem) has had enough of it! Evil Wizard Hieronymus (Ingo Naujoks) has again crept into her idyllic witch cottage to sneak her treasured magical book. Fortunately, her little greedy and slightly overweight flying dragon Hector (German voice: Michael Mittermeier) arrives just in time to save the book. Now Surulunda has to act, the time has come to search for a successor.
So Hector sets off to find a worthy keeper of the magical book. With much ado and even more noise he and the book finally come to Lilli’s house. But when Lilli finds the magical book, things go all haywire…
Lilli conjures all kinds of things. First of all, she summons monkeys to her bedroom, then turns them into goatlings and finally she even floods her class room. Hector gets really busy explaining Lilli that she will never ever be Surulunda’s successor when she conjures such evil tricks. While Lilli is on trial and desperately tries to become a “good witch”, Evil Wizard Hieronymus still dreams of ruling the world. He and his sleeky pug Serafim are on their way – to seize the magical book and achieve global domination once and for all!