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Property Description
NameFix & Foxi
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginRolf Kauka
Target GroupKids aged between 6 - 10
(all editorial content "Fix & Foxi")
No picture available
© Your Family Entertainment AG 2015

While Lupo hastily dashes forward, Fix & Foxi are already deliberating on how to solve the upcoming chaos. Fortunately, there’s always a laughing third party – the children!

Fix & Foxi, Germany’s most successful cartoon series are the undisputed classics of German comic literature. One of their best friends is Lupo who lives alone in a ramshackle tower and is always after Granma Eusebia’s tasty cakes. Granma Eusabia’s granddaughter Lupinchen is a really trendy girlie. Her bedroom is plastered with Robbie Williams posters and she is always on the hunt for latest fashion clothes. She and her friends can often be found in Melanie's stables. Uncle Fax is the calming influence and the unchallenged master of the Fix & Foxi house. And he sometimes even confines the fox twins to their bedroom when they play to many tricks. Professor Knox is the ingenious inventor in the Fuxholzen universe. Whether its a pill for the cold, a time machine or a trip to stars, that even Mr. Spock has never seen – Professor Knox makes everything possible. If there only wasn’t those side effects …

All together they are the Fix & Foxi family, living in the small town of Fuxholzen (Foxburg in the TV series). Where Fuxholzen lies you might ask? Next to Maulwurfshausen, the home town of Rolf Kauka's Pauli & Mausi…

The fox twins stand for quality and competence. Success can be fun – with Fix & Foxi!

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