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OriginCommercial Computer Game
Target GroupKids and Adults
(all editorial content "Moorhuhn")

Moorhuhn is a computer game from 1999 and was originally developed as a promotional “shoot’em up” for the Scottish Whisky brand Johnnie Walker.

Average awareness level of 84% throughout Germany.
15 million units sold so far, more than 80 million demo downloads

The "Moorhuhn Deluxe" App is number 8 of all fee required games in the AppStore Alltime Sales Charts and number 6 in 2010. Today, the Moorhuhn presents more than 30 games of different genres being a cunning adventurer, an explorer, or a fearless racer for PC, Nintendo DS or Wii, PlayStation 1 and 2, or iPhone. The Moorhuhn is active on all platforms. Movie in the pipeline for 2015.

Most popular download game in November 2011 according to