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Property Description
NameWoozle Goozle
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginKnowledge magazine for children
Target GroupPrimary: children 6 to 9 years
Secondary: children 3 to 13 years.
(all editorial content "Woozle Goozle")
© RTL DISNEY Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG (2019)

Woozle is a cheeky, blue inventor and scientist with a penchant for anything that can explode.

Together with his best friend Simón, he hosts a knowledge magazine for children. To get closer to a topic, however, Woozle has very unique ways. He is always tinkering, inventing and blowing things up. Or he does experiments with his - well, together with his - best friend.

There it can happen that Woozle transports the entire studio under the surface of the sea, transforms his best friend into aluminum foil or gets a hungry Tyrannosaurus Wooz from prehistoric times. All for science!

Brand Values

  • Impulse & Reason
  • Humor & Friendship
  • Not-Having-to-Be-Perfect
  • Fantasy & Creativity
  • Knowledge

Reasons Why

  • Core Values Relevant to Kids and Parents
  • One of the most successful content and trusted brands in the TOGGO universe
  • Fun knowledge format with SUPER RTL as IP owner
  • Clearly built brand with a variety of touchpoints
  • Many CP opportunities through Woozle's image attributes. He is the perfect ambassador for innovative new products