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Property Description
NameMasha and the Bear
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginEntertaining animated series from Russia
Target GroupChildren aged 3 - 8 years
(all editorial content "Masha and the Bear")

Masha and the Bear
Entertaining animated series from Russia with highly successful licensing program.

The protagonist Masha is a small, enterprising, very active, energetic blonde girl. She just can't stand still and every object that falls into her fingers instantly becomes a plaything. One day Masha meets the bear. He has served for years in a circus, is now retired and seeks the peace and seclusion of the forest. The bear lives quietly into the day, playing music, going fishing or cooking. But when Mascha comes to him, unrest returns to his quiet existence, because Mascha is looking for a playmate.

The funny episodes, each lasting 7 minutes, are characterized by amiability and situational comedy, which delight their fans with little dialogue but all the more humor.